Chairman Message

Scottish Central School believed in giving the best education in the most congenial and healthy environment. In keeping with the trends of the 21st century, we have adopted technology-aided learning by installing Smart Classed. This enables the teaching-learning process in interactive and three-dimensional capacities. Our teaching staff continuously upgrades their skills by attending various workshops. teachers are recruited under, strict scrutiny giving close attention to quality. Qualified and professional counsellors are available at every stage for the guidance of the students and parents. A close circuit television surveillance had been installed by the school to monitor students as well as teachers activity. To Ensure un-interrupted power supply noiseless generators have installed, to Successfully service all the new facilities added in the school. All pedagogical and infra structural changes were possible due to the continuous efforts of the school members and the School managing Committee, the faculty members, staff and the administrative team at the Scottish Central School the combined efforts and efforts from all staff members, we are confident of making Scottish Central School the most outstanding school.

Dr. Sunil Singh