School Infrastructure
School Building
The school has its own building. The school has well equipped modern labs for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics and computer Science. It also has a well stocked library having more than 4000 books. The school subscribes a large number of reputed journals. There is separate rooms of Art, Craft and Music, and is equipped with smart classes and H.D. Projector full filling all the eminent needs of modern and scientific education.
- The achievement of higher academic standards.
- The implementation of a progressive curriculum in order to develop the value of character building and the integrated personality of the child.
- To create self-awareness by providing the students the knowledge of tin,:- azikut n assessing one’s own abilities and thus H I It helping to create the sense of self confidence.
- To create conditions for understanding the greater values of equality and fraternity among the children in day to day life
- To promote human value as the foremost concept.
- To develop the latest scientific knowledge through computer teaching by the practical handling of computer. They are also trained for the use of Internet so that since their childhood they could increase eagerness to know the scientific changes of the world.
- All round development of the child is our prime motive and school strives for it.
- We make effort to motivate the students properly so that they are able to develop love for work and assignment which leads to greater sense of learning and understanding.
- The school curriculum emphasis is on the development of skills in the child and thus making them useful in individual & social life.
- The scientific inquisitiveness in the child is satisfied through the wider use of models, instrument and computer.

Location and Surroundings
We at Scottish central school believe in what Sri Aurobindo has said “The child’s education ought to be an out bringing of all that is the best, most powerful, intimate and living in his nature. The module into which the man’s action and development ought to run his innovate quality and power. He must acquire new things but will acquire them best, most wholly on the born force”. Amidst of calm and quiet peaceful locality in Sasaram, Rohtas the school provides the most healthy atmosphere for the young learners. Away from the din and bustle of crowd. It is quite free from noise pollution. Fresh air free from the dirt and that keeps the children always active, smart and healthy. The school building is impressive with a large campus comprising of open space for prayer and assembly, a computer centre, Science Laboratories, equipped library playground and children park etc.